Espacio 2 Puntos Is a team of psychologists, with long experience in private clinic treatments.
Why go to a psychologist? If you stopped enjoying the activities you did before, or if you are experiencing something you cannot put into words, or even if you want to know yourself better, how you react in certain situations and create possibilities of resolution.
We noticed mental health is still something we don´t talk about, we usually think is for people who have psychiatric disorders. But a psychologist can help you understand a situation in a whole perspective, and together find the symbolic tools to deal with it or resolve it. Because the treatment is individual, there are no magic recipes to resolve specific problems but a better understanding of the circumstances. We help you create the possibilities to decide.
Psychologists are here to help you have an experience of self-transformation.
Do you want to know more? Just contact us!
: [email protected]
: @Espacio2Puntos
: +54 (9) 11 6554 9578
We want to answer all of your questions
Our professionals
All of our professionals, have their licence and private practice in Buenos Aires. Argentina is well known for its psychology professionals, the quality of the training and for having a large population of psychologists. Native Spanish spoken.
Lic. Eduardo Licandro
Psychologist / Adult
I´m a specialist in psycho immunity. I treat disorders associated to pandemic behavior, stress, depression, burnout disorder. I´ve been a part of the public hospital health team and I have more than 30 years of practice, reviewing all kind of problematics.
Mtra. Nacira García
I´m a psychologist. I coordinate the first communication with the patients, and answer any doubts you may have. I’m also in charge of the blog and the courses offered. My main interest is to offer this services to the people that require it, and are willing to sustain a treatment. I’ll be happy to answer any doubt you may have.
How does it work?
Who do we work with?
We work with different kind of associations, and with every person that wants to try this process. We are currently working in different countries, Argentina, Mexico, United States, Spain, Great Britain and France, it doesn’t matter where you live as long as you speak Spanish.
Blog (in spanish)
Depresión en adolescentes y adultos: síntomas, causas y tratamiento
Es importante recordar que la depresión es una condición tratable y que existen recursos disponibles para ayudar a quienes la padecen.
Desmitificando el VIH/ SIDA, aportes de un especialista
Estar informado y concientizar a la población sobre la importancia de prevenir el VIH/SIDA.
VIH no es SIDA
Un problema (in)visible, el suicidio
El suicidio es la cuarta causa de muerte, según la OMS, entre jóvenes de 15 a 19 años y la tercera entre los adolescentes españoles (PAHO) [1]. Es en este país que durante 2020 se registraron en promedio 12 muertes diarias, llegando la cifra a 4000. Tomamos la...